The culprit may be airborne bacteria. As the weather warms up and the humidity increases, it is not uncommon to notice pinkish slime on your shower walls, sink and along the water line in your toilet bowl. There are many types of airborne bacteria. Sometimes, when the conditions are right, this bacterium will settle on Read the full article…
Why Do I Need a UV Bulb Replacement Yearly?
If you have an Ultraviolet Sterilizer, or UV for short, it is recommended to replace the ultraviolet light bulb inside every year. There is also a 365 day countdown timer built right into the controller for the unit. But why is this necessary? The light bulb hasn’t burned out, so why can’t you leave it Read the full article…
Can Heavy Rain Effect Well Water?
Connecticut has seen some heavy rainstorms in the past few months, and all that rain can have a negative impact on your well. How? By introducing surface water. There are two types of water, Groundwater and Surface Water. If you get your water from a well, you are using groundwater to drink, bathe and clean Read the full article…
Bacteria, Organisms and Cysts in Your Water- Oh My!
City water does not mean safe water. In fact, despite the widespread use of chlorination for municipal disinfection, a number of organisms are resistant to chlorine such as cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia and Legionelloss. Well water frequently tests positive for coliform bacteria especially when the well has been inactive due to foreclosures. Luckily, the solution is Read the full article…