As a homeowner, it is critical to ensure your water is of the best quality. Having contaminated drinking water can put you and your family at risk, so it is essential to know the steps you need to take to test your water for contaminants – and when to begin treating your water based on Read the full article…
Can a Portable Generator Run a Submersible Well Pump?
Unfortunately, longer term power outages seem to be happening more frequently each year, and if you have a submersible well pump, no power means no water! You may have a portable generator that looks like it should be able to run your pump without issue. You hook the generator to your transfer switch and fire Read the full article…
What Causes Odor in Your Well Water
You may be experiencing an odor from your well water when you pour yourself a glass of water, brush your teeth, wash your face, or just simply run the water. Different smells mean different things. Some may be simple seasonal changes in your water, and will eventually disappear on their own. Others can signify ongoing Read the full article…
Power Outage During A Water System Cycle
Storm season is upon us, and we want you to be prepared! Power outages are unfortunately becoming more and more common, as is the use of portable generators. Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure you water treatment equipment and/or pump is working properly when the lights come back on! Losing Power During Read the full article…
How Long Does A Well Pressure Tank Last?
A quality well pressure tank will last 10-15 years – or even longer. Cheap tanks will last maybe 5 years or less. The difference is in the quality of the bladder inside the tank and the external service connector. The bladder holds the water inside the tank. During water usage the bladder fills up and Read the full article…
Reverse Osmosis System For Drinking Water
Is Reverse Osmosis water unhealthy? The answer is no. Reverse Osmosis is a powerful process that removes hundreds of contaminants – some you will never even know about, at a fraction of the cost of bottled water. Reverse Osmosis will treat your tap water at the kitchen sink by forcing water through a series of Read the full article…
How Often Should I Change My Sediment Filter?
Every 3 months is a good place to start. But every well is different, and water quality can change depending on the time of year, weather, and water usage. Change your filter when you notice a decrease in water pressure, or (if applicable) your sulfur odor returns. Do not be concerned if your filter looks Read the full article…
Well Pressure Tanks – What Size Do You Need?
Most residential pressure tanks come in 5 sizes. Roughly, 20, 30, 50, 60 and 80 gallons. What most people don’t realize is that pressure tanks don’t hold that much water. A general guideline is that 1/3 of the tank holds water and the rest is air. Why air? Air is compressed inside the tank and Read the full article…
How To Remove Uranium From Well Water?
There are only TWO accepted AND practical ways recognized by the EPA to remove uranium from your water: Reverse Osmosis – (RO) Ion Resin System Reverse Osmosis Systems Reverses Osmosis – aka RO System – is like a water filter on steroids. It can remove a wide range of contaminants such as uranium from your Read the full article…
How Much Uranium is Safe in Drinking Water?
Uranium is a hot topic in CT as an increasing number of homeowners are testing positive for this contaminant in their well water. But is there an actual safe level? As far as drinking water goes, Connecticut follows the US EPA Drinking Water Guidelines – called Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL). The MCL for Uranium is: Read the full article…